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LightWayText & iText Pro '09 are Shareware...

If you like LightWayText & iText Pro and would like to use them
continually beyond the 30 day free trial period,
please purchase either a license at

LightWayText & iText Pro '09 Purchase page;

When you purchase a
LightWayText license ($25 per user), just that one license will cover all future versions including LightWayText, iText, iTextPro, iText Pro '09, and iText Express.
The license will include all languages' and both Mac and PC. You will not need to purchase additional licenses or pay any additional fees when you upgrade to new versions.

When you purchase an iText Pro license ($15 per user) , you will be licensed to take advantage of iText Pro '09 and iText Pro. If you have already purchased either a license for LightWayText or iText Pro, you do NOT need to purchase a new copy or pay an upgrade fee. Both your registration codes will still work with iText Pro '09.


Thank you very much for your friendly support...


LightWayText | iText Pro '09